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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Application of the Evaluation Template

In "Evaluation Essay Template," we shared a technique for developing the thesis for an evaluation essay. It is recommended that you read this earlier post before you read the current post.

Use these notes and guidelines to write your evaluation essay. Remember that your essay is to be five paragraphs: an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. The last sentence of the introductory paragraph is to end with the thesis sentenced, underlined. Each of the body paragraphs is to begin with a topic sentence, underlined. The concluding paragraph should restate the thesis sentence—in different words than the thesis sentence was originally expressed in the introductory paragraph.

We watched two two-part episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: “What's My Line, Part I,” “What's My Line, Part II,” “Becoming, Part I,” and “Becoming, Part II.” In the process, we rated both Buffy Summers and Kendra Young in regard to these criteria, or standards:

  • Attitude
  • Knowledge
  • Training
  • Fighting ability
  • Weaponry
  • Social support

From the six listed above, pick any three personality traits or skills that you believe are most appropriate to the mission of the vampire slayer and explain why these traits and skills make Buffy an effective vampire slayer or why these traits and skills make Kendra an effective vampire slayer. (Note: Pick either Buffy OR Kendra, NOT both.)

A modification of the template for the evaluation essay shown on http://essaysmadeeasy.blogspot.com/2008/05/evaluation-development-template.html can help you to focus your essay:

Any combination of any of these six traits and skills allows you many possible combinations, as the (partial) list below indicates:

Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Buffy (or Kendra)
Buffy (or Kendra)
Fighting ability
Buffy (or Kendra)
Buffy (or Kendra)
Social support
Buffy (or Kendra)
Fighting ability
Buffy (or Kendra)
Buffy (or Kendra)
Social support
Buffy (or Kendra)
Fighting ability
Buffy (or Kendra)
Social support
Buffy (or Kendra)
Fighting ability
Social support
Buffy (or Kendra)
Fighting ability
Social support
Buffy (or Kendra)
Fighting ability
Social support
Buffy (or Kendra)
Fighting ability
Social support

From your list, generate a thesis sentence. Here are a couple of examples:

THESIS 1: Despite her deficient knowledge of the supernatural and the paranormal, Buffy's aggressive attitude and excellent training make he an effective vampire slayer.

THESIS 2: Her humble attitude, detailed knowledge of the supernatural and the paranormal, and her superb fighting ability make Kendra Young an effective vampire slayer.

(Many other thesis sentences are possible.)

Use your thesis sentence to generate your essay body paragraph's topic sentences. Here are examples:

TOPIC SENTENCE 1 (for THESIS 1): Buffy's knowledge of the supernatural and paranormal threats she routinely faces leaves a lot to be desired.

TOPIC SENTENCE 2 (for THESIS 1): Buff's aggressive attitude serves her well in her battle with the undead.

TOPIC SENTENCE 3 (for THESIS 1): Due to her excellent training, Buffy is able to improvise in her use of tactics and weapons.

TOPIC SENTENCE 1 (for THESIS 2): Because she has a humble attitude, Kendra is able to learn from her mentor and other authorities.

TOPIC SENTENCE 2 (for THESIS 2): Her detailed knowledge of the supernatural and paranormal villains she must battle every day is an asset for Kendra.

TOPIC SENTENCE 3 (for THESIS 2): Kendra's superb fighting skills make her more than a match for any adversary she must fight.

To support and develop your topic sentences, use specific examples (usually, descriptions of the character in action, showing her traits or skills as they are demonstrated by her performance) from the episodes of the series.

Note: As mentioned, many thesis sentences are possible, including those that claim the character is an ineffective slayer or a somewhat effective slayer whose performance could be improved. For example:

THESIS 3: Because of her inappropriately casual attitude, her lack of knowledge concerning the threats she faces, and her uncritical social support, Buffy is, at best, a marginally effective vampire slayer whose performance needs drastic improvement.

THESIS 4: Although Kendra has great potential to become a truly effective vampire slayer, her fighting ability is too predictable, her knowledge too dependent upon others, and her weaponry too primitive for her to excel in the accomplishment of her mission.

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